British GT Media Day at Donington Park

Two totally new experiences with this being the first time seeing modern GT cars on track and a first trip to Donington Park. The concern was high on the way sat with cruise control on the M1 as sleet and rain were driving down and the temperature barely breaking zero, but within the last 3 miles the clouds parted revealing blue sky and sun.

The 9am start time rolled around quickly, and with the track still thick with standing water cars were pounding round leaving enormous rooster tails down the straights. What a situation to try and capture with the first time taking panning photos in anger this season, but hopefully the water trails show in some of the snaps.

Days like the media day are ideal for seeing cars out on track, while there’s not wheel to wheel racing there is always a handful of cars or more going full chat all through the test sessions.

With the sun blazing down (as much as it can in March) and the traffic running round, the racing line quickly dried out and the driver speed noticeably increased.

Donington has some perfect vantage points for viewing, the elevation change is huge meaning you can stand on top of the hill with the back side of the track below you in full sight going past Starkey’s Bridge before they head back up the hill and past the Automotional industrial unit.

Midway through he day the pit lane was opened up for some time up close and personal with the cars and teams.

The pits were alive with the buzz and ambient noise of impact guns chattering away, tools clattering about, parts clunking around and mechanics cracking jokes.

Getting up close to some of the GT3 and GT4 cars you’re struck by how intricate the engineering is with all the aero, suspension and engine work exposed.

Aston Martin GT cars will always be impressive, potentially due to age, growing up with the DBR9s dominating at Le Mans. The Beechdean Ice Cream GT3 Vantage wasn’t out on track for more than 3 laps but it certainly left a lasting impression.

The manufacturers who produce GT cars perfectly validate the ‘gentleman driver’ stereotype with Mercedes, Aston Martin, Porsche, McLaren and Lamborghini producing instantly recognisable and aspirational race cars.

To further the stereotype, the car park was full of automotive artworks and performance daily drivers ranging from ‘sensible’ things like RS4’s, Range Rovers, Rolls Royce Cullinan’s and a plethora of BMW M products right through to ludicrous Lamborghinis and an array of super cars.

Back on track the tracking shots being taken meant all cars were out at the same time giving a hint at what the full grid will be like on a race day, it’s a sight and sound to behold with 36 V8 and V10 cars in every colour imaginable roaring round. The 2023 season is going to be phenomenal.

Check out more pictures below.

Images and words by Mitcham Media


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