Surprises on Late Nights in London

Finding locations for photoshoots can be a bit of a challenge and while the Christmas lights still up in London it felt appropriate to make the trip in to see what possibilities were there. After weeks of not being washed, some puddle and mud bashing on the back roads and farm yards it only seemed right to take the filthy, splattered Golf into London to trial out a few spots.

We arrived at Westfield to grab some dinner with the plan being to arrive in central London late enough it should be more quiet, less cars, less people etc. but what we found was slightly different.

We arrived at our destination at just after 11pm which as it turns out is exactly the time the Christmas lights are switched off. Fantastic.

Having pulled up in front of some clothing shops with the bright lights shining out into the street we got out and started snapping, the next thing we hear is the burble of some interesting cars coming down the street towards us…

Before we knew what was going on we were surrounded by a gaggle of supercars all pulling up around us and what was meant to be location scouting turned into an impromptu opportunity to shoot some seldom seen supercars under the bright Christmas window lights.

For the first few minutes we were in shock at what we’d stumbled across and felt slightly awkward that we’d crashed an organised meet, but everyone we met was exceptionally friendly and keen to chat. It was a true testament to how good the car culture in the UK can be. Thank you to everyone we met in London that night, hopefully we’ll meet again as it’s epic to see these cars being used as they should be.
Check out the rest of the snaps below.

Images and words by Mitcham Media


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Autoism at Duke of London December 2022