Sunrise, Seaside, Street Art and a Full Fry Up

05:30am on a Saturday morning in February just feels cold even typing it out, but stepping out the house being greeted by the inky black sky just starting to turn purple was an epic way to start a day. With the heated seat turned up to max, a back road blast and the tedium of the dual carriage way we made it to the cost just in time to catch the sun begin to peek up and through the clouds.

7am outside the arcades, bars and rollercoaster rides had a dystopian vibe with no one around other than the council workers clearing the debris from the Friday night antics.

The soft and warm glow from the sun made it feel like spring was rolling in and made for some epic views our to sea.

Having caught the action on the sea front we drove up through the town finding some of the most phenomenal street art lining every car park and back road.

The level of detail captured was stunning, and the shear scale of some pieces left us wondering how they were created. Having works like these around towns and cities should be far more common, not only promoting creativity and passion but also making the area feel more vibrant and exciting.

The last stop was the sea front to grab a geeza fry up from a greasy spoon cafe, at this point it was around quarter past eight and the rest of the world was just starting to wake up.

With the cloud cover starting to burn away and the weirdly tropical trees the car park gave a Miami Vice or GTA feel.

We weren’t the only ones with the idea of an early start either, in front of the cafe the road was littered with supercars including a handful of Ferraris, McLarens and Lamborghinis.

Check out the rest of the photos from the morning below. See you on the next article. SM

Images and Writting by Mitcham Media.


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