Track Action at Goodwood 79th Members Meeting

From V10 Formula One, to classic touring cars and even Groups C Porsches at dusk, the 79th Members Meeting had it all. We’re not sure where else you’d get to see some of the most iconic cars in the world pushed to their limit if not at Goodwood.


Drifting is often seen as a taboo subject, especially with the old school classic enthusiast. Having some of the best drifters in the world put on a display around the circuit went a long way to showing the skill and talent required to handle cars so well.

The V10 Formula One cars was pure nostalgia. The screaming, high revving engines, while being almost painful as they pass, was phenomenal. Camel, Marlboro and John Player Special, the quintessential tobacco sponsors from the hay-day of champagne motorsport were out in force.


Check out more photos from the day below


90's Big Cat In The Wild - Jaguar XJ220


April Sunday Scramble at Bicester Heritage